We are actively engaged in audit, teaching and research. We strive to continually improve our level of care, teach other clinicians and contribute to the scientific literature.


Every year we audit a part of our practice. This is the process where we look at a particular treatment we offer and collect data and outcome information. These results are presented to our regional audit group and are compared against international standards in the scientific literature. This process ensures we offer the best treatment possible.


All the Surgeons are actively involved in teaching. At a local level our practice contributes to a young dentist’s day and implant study day on a bi-annual rotation. There is regular teaching session to the emergency medicine doctors at Tauranga hospital. Local lectures are often given to local branch of the New Zealand Dental Association and also at national and international conferences.


Each year Tauranga Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery takes on a senior dental student to undertake an audit and write a scientific paper. This is undertaken through the Tauranga Hospital Medical School.  This position is highly sought after and has helped ignite many young dentist’s careers.


We share our research and study findings by way of publication. Here is a list of publications form out team.  

  1. In preparation; 15 year review of the Acute cases of Tauranga Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service at Tauranga Public Hospital
  2. Comparison of an air-fed system with hospital issue Personal Protection Equipment for dental aerosol protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic Bridgman JB, Chrisp D, Newsom A, Estelle A, Saunders M. *Accepted and awaiting publication in the Online Dental Journal.
  3. Glover J, Bridgman JB, Estelle AE. Vaping-smoke and mirrors. NZDA News May 2020.
  4. Bridgman JB Fulton G Lou SM-Y, WM Thomson, Goss AN. The New Zealand oral and maxillofacial surgeon workforce in 2017-2018: characteristics, practice      and prospects. The New Zealand Medical Journal Vol 133 No 1513:24 April   2020.
  5. Jones A, Bridgman JB. Maxillofacial use of botulium toxin: a series of three unusual cases. New Zealand Dental Journal 114: 174-176 Dec 2018.
  6. The Use of Chlorhexidine in an outpatient Oral Surgery practice. A review of the literature and the practical application of Cholrohexidine. Partington C and Bridgman JB. NZDA News July 2016.
  7. Jones A, Bridgman JB Case Report: A patient who had not removed her full lower denture for 54 years. New Zealand Dental Journal 2016 March; 112(1) 16-17
  8. Nagels AJ Bridgman JB et al. Propofol-Remifentanyl TCI Sedation for Oral Surgery. New Zealand Dental Journal 2014 Sep; 110(3)85-9
  9. Bridgman JB. Prescribing Antibiotics, a Clinical Update. NZDA News Volume 157 December 2011.
  10. Shah N and Bridgman JB. An extraction complicated by lateral and medial pterygoid tethering of a fractured maxillary tuberosity. British Dental Journal 198:543-544, 2005.
  1. Bridgman JB and Snape L. Facial Sensory Loss, a need for Suspicion. New Zealand Dental Journal 94:65-68, 1998.
  2. Zacharis M, Bridgman JB and Parkinson R. Two methods of administration of propofol for dental sedation. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 36:19-23, 1998.
  3. Bridgman JB, GillgrassTG and Zacharis M. The absence of any pre-emptive analgesic effect for Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 34:428-431, 1996.
  4. Kumara GR, Gillgrass TJ and Bridgman JB. A Lymphoepithelial Cyst(Branchial Cyst) in the floor of the mouth. New Zealand Dental Journal 91:14-15, 1995.
  5. Bridgman JB and Cambell DJ. An Update on Dental Radiology: Quality and Safety. New Zealand Dental Journal 91:16-21, 1995.
  6. Bridgman JB and Cambell DJ. An Update on Dental Radiology: Radiology in Endodontics. New Zealand Dental Journal 91:62-64, 1995.
  7. Bridgman JB and Gillgrass TJ. Postoperative pain control in dentistry from a pathological perspective. Part 2. Pain control regimes. New Zealand Journal of Sedation and Pain Control in Dentistry. 2:51-55, 1994.
  8. Gillgrass TJ and Bridgman JB. Postoperative pain control in dentistry from a pathological perspective. Part 1. Pathophysiology of pain. New Zealand Journal of Sedation and Pain Control in Dentistry. 2: 45-50, 1994.
  9. Bannister P Bridgman JB. Responses of seeds of three species of pseudopanax to low temperature stratification, removal of fruit flesh, and application of gibberellic acid. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 9 213-216 1991.

Tauranga Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery provide high quality specialist oral surgical services for patients in Tauranga and the wider Bay of Plenty region.